Chapeau! Hats off to you for landing here! My name is Christine, the founder of Little Havana Shop. As a hat and travel enthusiast and former educator about Miami mosaic cultures, I wanted to combine these passions in my new business and blog.
Do you love to travel? To remote or faraway lands? Have you ever visited Miami or Little Havana? Or explored your own city? You would be surprised how much there is to discover in your backyard. Even reading and admiring travel photos can be inspiring, exciting and bring joy.

What to Expect
For example, did you know that:
Panama hats are not made in Panama?
chocolate comes from a fruit?
there is a proper hat etiquette?
My team and I will share fascinating facts, remarkable history, personal stories, and more as we travel with our hats virtually or in reality.

We Welcome Your Stories & Collaborations
Indeed, we can learn from each other and welcome your personal stories of travel, culture and adventure and also hats. Feel free to email us at with SUBJECT LINE: pitch for blog story. Travel planners/experts, influencers, airlines, cruises, hospitality, are all welcome to reach out to collaborate. We are seeking captivating stories with unique offerings for our clientele.
Chapeau! (Bravo!)
Hats are very much in style today and more people are traveling the world more than ever before. It brings me great joy to start this new journey where hats tell tales of cultural capers, where fashion meets folklore, and the world becomes a brighter place.

Feel free to subscribe to our Elite Membership Club to receive notifications of a new blog post, of an upcoming new hat (as we have limited supply of handmade hats), and special discounts only available to members.
We welcome your comments below.
Chapeau for taking the first step to your new hat-tastic adventure!